Lousy Days: A Unity Art Game


  • Unity 2D
  • C#
  • Handcrafted
  • Level Sequence
  • Art-Game


  1. Achieved the implementation of Main Screen UI by implementing UI Widgets in order to give a proper game experience
  2. Implemented game loading using level manager so that the game loads properly without hiccups
  3. Mini games mechanics were implemented using mouse cursor to 2D point location on screen
  4. Created a save game state in order to carry progress from one level to another
  5. Collisions were handled so that player cannot move through with walls with enough momentum

Project Description

“The look and feel of the game is similar to the game ‘Sims’. The player controls one character and his/her interactions with the world around them. The theme of the game revolves around mental disorders. The game will have different levels representing 3 different ages of character (Age -15-35-65). Each level will have 5,3 and 1 round/rounds respectively, with each round representing the morning routine of one single day. Each round will end as the player chooses to leave the house through the exit door. If a player succeeds in completing the round/rounds of each level, he/she will progress onto the next level/age. The mission of each level is to make the character survive by changing the normal structure of each day’s routine. The challenge is to find a way to be different each round in terms of the order or way of doing everyday tasks, or not to do them at all by completing a check-list that will be hidden from the player at all times during the game. To be different in each round the player will also be required to play mini-games within the game itself which will allow the player to be different each round. To accomplish this task the player will be required to use a trial and error approach. The objective of the game is to challenge the player to come up with creative solutions to problems that are not even clearly visible to him/her. Another objective of the game is to raise mental health awareness. “

I really love the concept of this game as from a game design perspective it was very interesting yet subtle. The themes are dark yet at the same time raise awareness. During this game, I learned a lot about collisions, Player input and level loading. UI Design was also implemented. A lot of these things were not necessary yet I had lots of fun implementing them in the game.

Game Design Document and Other Documents