Geometry Wars: A top down shooter


  • Unity 3D
  • C#
  • Top-Down Shooter
  • Arcade


  1. Implemented Graphics and resolution controls in order to Scale game to user computer specs
  2. Created a separate entity spawn manager which would save wave data and time until next spawn
  3. Created dual input methods to control player movement and rotation from separate controls
  4. Used pooling to decrease resource utilization
  5. Projectile spawn implemented for bullets 
  6. Health system added for enemies to take into account player weapon damage
  7. 3 Enemies were designed; a speedy but low health enemy, a durable “berserker” but slow enemy, and a standard average speed and health enemy

Project Description

“Single Player (Offline), Shoot Em’ Up with an Arcade/Retro Theme. Two Thumbsticks are used to manipulate the character and shoot in a 2D (Bird’s eye view) in different maps (Different Levels). The look and feel of the game will be similar to top down arcade games, where the player controls one character and uses the limited mechanics of the game to kill enemies. At the start of the game the player will be given control of one on screen character and will be able to move and shoot using the two thumb sticks. There will be three levels/rounds to complete and each round they will face enemies which will spawn from fixed spawn locations. Once all the levels are successfully beaten by the player, they win the game. The mission of each level is to kill the cloned enemies while also damaging and destroying their spawn point. Once all spawn points have been destroyed, the level is finished. The player can also take damage if an enemy physically touches their character. If the character takes enough damage to deplete their health bar, they lose 1 out of 3 lives. When a player loses a life, they begin the same level again. If at any point in the game the player loses all three lives, they begin again from Level 1. There are 3 levels of the game and the difficulty of the levels increases with each level by increasing the number of spawn points and thus the number of enemies in-play also increases each round. The first level has 2 spawn points, the second level has 4, the third and last level has 8 spawn points.”

Game Design Document and Other Documents