Neon Wave: A Unity Enless Runner


  • Unity 3D
  • C#
  • Endless Runner
  • Personal Project
  • 90’s Aesthetic


  1. Created the gameplay area in Blender
  2. Materials were crafted in the material editor of Unity with a lerp node to change the colours over time
  3. Coded the input mechanisms which would traverse player character over time
  4. Created physics based movement for the enemies which would traverse in different locations
  5. Used Object Pooling to store data
  6. Spawn Manager was sued to randomize the enemies and increase difficulty over time
  7. Used the line render tool to give the same aesthetic as the bike’s in Tron

Project Description

This was a personal project which I crafted in my first semester of my degree. I wanted to explore the 80-90’s Lamborghini aesthetic as well as give reference to the old game style that was residual in games like Pac-man with a mix of mobile game mechanics like endless runners such as Subway Surfer.

The project build files were however corrupted to due a virus which corrupted. Fortunately I was able to save the one of the builds of the game which is available on my