Saber Wars: VR


  • Unity 3D
  • C#
  • VR
  • Beat Generated spawnable
  • Projectile


  1. Used a beat generated code to spawn projectiles from the enemies
  2. Music was implemented from which the beats would be registered in the algorithm 
  3.  Implemented all source material in the game
  4. Ray casting was utilized to track projectile collision with light saber

Project Description

The following was a project to experiment with beat detection and VR capabilities of Unity.

Music isn’t included due to copyright issues.

“VR Controller Oriented simple mechanics. Visually Immersive. Single Player (Offline). Virtual Reality (Platform). Minimalist  Theme. Motion/VR Controller used to manipulate Light Saber in  The  VR World. At the start of the game Music Begins Playing. At certain audio Cues Projectiles spawn and travel towards the Player. The player can then use the Motion Controller to manipulate the lightsaber and collide it with the oncoming Projectiles. On collision with the projectiles, the player accumulates points. The mission of The Game is to Accumulate the highest amount of Points.. There is currently #1 Level in the game, But It can Easily be scaled by implementing more Music Tracks. We used the transform emulator system. Simple script for scene management was used. Player saber control used Ray-casting to hit bullets. Bullets instantiated randomly with the beat of the music. Emulator was limited but VR will probably work fine. There are 5 Spawn Points for Projectiles in the Level. Each Spawn Point is a Storm Trooper From Star Wars, Holding Blasters. Each Spawn Point Emits a Projectile when triggered by a certain frequency and Decibel Level in the audio track. The game world has a Minimalist-Neon, Almost Retro, Star Wars Themed Look to it. Similar to Most music Dependent/Oriented Games like Guitar Hero And Tap Tap Revenge. The game features Star Wars Themed Electronic Music. The Music is Heavy On the Low-end and has complex Auditory Cues To Trigger Projectile Emitters.”

Game Design Document and other files