The Island: A Narrative Level Sequence


  • Unreal Engine 4
  • Blueprint
  • Landscaping
  • Level Design
  • Environmental Story Telling
  • Foliage Brush tool
  • Cinematics


  1. Downloaded real world terrain height maps to create the island
  2. Used landscape sculpting tools to fix and mend some area for ease of reach
  3. Gathered appropriate assets and implemented them for a coherent visual narrative
  4. Used Foliage brush tool to paint all trees, plants and textures on the landscape
  5. Used lighting volumes and audio cues to implement background music 
  6. Reflection cubes were also used for reflections in the water
  7. Used the sequences tool to create the level Sequences
  8. Used Sony Vegas to do further editing and trimming of clips.

Project Description

The Island is a level design project where we were asked to create a simple small landscape. However, in hopes of learning more landscape and level design tools in Unreal Engine, I used real world terrain data to make my game area. textures for the whole area were painted by hand in order to give attention to detail while at the same time due to a lack of information about procedural tools for foliage I hand painted all the rocks and and trees in the scene. 

The village was also placed and fog was added using a texture image map which made it flat. All the narrative aesthetics were placed around the island in order to showcase the horror of what the Island brought.

The concept behind the island was of a man that had just woken up on a foreign beach, taking inspiration from the story of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. The Island while at first sight beautiful quickly starts showing hints of something much more lurking in the dark with the human skull in the very beginning of the video. The sequence  begins to get worse as we are shown the harrowing details that the Island has as well as an ending that can be left open ended to what the viewer can Imagine

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